Use this calculator to estimate expected RSSI for line-of-sight links between your PTP series AP & Station. This is an estimation only and does not guarantee real-world outcomes.
Use these calculators to perform additional link budget calculations. The Rain Rate to Attenuation calculator allows you to view attenuation by channel for a given rain rate. The Signal Budget to Rain Rate calculator allows you to calculate the max rain rate a link with the given budget and distance can handle before it drops, provided for each channel.
Rain Rate to Attenuation
Rain rate (mm/hr) | Results: Attenuation by channel (dB/km) | ||||||||||||||
Signal budget to rain rate
Link budget (dB) | Distance (m) | Results: Rain rate by channel (mm/hr) | |||||||||||||
Reference Tables
Type of Rain | Rain Rate | Loss |
Light | 2.5 mm/hr | 1.5 dB/km |
Medium | 12.5 mm/hr | 6 dB/km |
Heavy | 25 mm/hr | 10 dB/km |
Downpour | 50 mm/hr | 17 dB/km |
Tropical Storms | 100 mm/hr | 30 dB/km |